VIN: 5N1DR3BD5RC263181. MSRP $45,970. Sales Price: $45,970 - $4,750 Dealer Discount = $41, 220. Down payment $0, monthly payment $1,277, for 36 mos. @ 0.0% APR. With approved credit. Plus tax and title. Price includes a $518 service fee. Dealer retains all factory rebates and incentives. Offer ends 2/03/2025.
VIN: 5N1BT3CA2RC729369. MSRP $38,390. Sales Price: $38,390- $5,750 Dealer Discount = $32,640. Down payment $0, monthly payment $640, for 60 mos. @ 0.0% APR. With approved credit. Plus tax and title. Price includes a $518 service fee. Dealer retains all factory rebates and incentives. Offer ends 2/03/2025.