VIN: 5N1DR3BD5RC263181. MSRP $45,970. Sales Price: $45,970 - $4,750 Dealer Discount = $41, 220. Down payment $0, monthly payment $1,277, for 36 mos. @ 0.0% APR. With approved credit. Plus tax and title. Price includes a $518 service fee. Dealer retains all factory rebates and incentives. Offer ends 2/03/2025.
VIN: 5N1BT3CA2RC729369. MSRP $38,390. Sales Price: $38,390- $5,750 Dealer Discount = $32,640. Down payment $0, monthly payment $640, for 60 mos. @ 0.0% APR. With approved credit. Plus tax and title. Price includes a $518 service fee. Dealer retains all factory rebates and incentives. Offer ends 2/03/2025.
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These vehicles are for public wholesale and are sold “AS-IS/NO WARRANTY” ONLY. We offer no opinion as to any quality, defects, or merchantability of these vehicles. We take no responsibility for any vehicle defect or condition. We have not performed an inspection and DO NOT imply or infer any warranty or guarantee regarding quality, defects, or merchantability of these vehicles. It becomes your responsibility to identify any mechanical or merchantability problems prior to your taking delivery. You are encouraged to conduct a pre-purchase inspection by an independent mechanic of your choice prior to the sale and purchase, and your taking delivery of the vehicle.